Image via CrunchBase
The project is called OtherNum and the idea came from a tweet by @amdev about having to provide a phone number as part of an email campaign. His problem: his startup didn't have a "phone" and he didn't want to provide his cell.
So I created OtherNum using the Twilio platform as a way for startups to have a phone number, a simple IVR, even a voicemail platform all without setting up a physical office or paying outrageous prices for phone services they don't really need.
The process is simple, you register for an account on and you setup your menu options. Right now the trial accounts are good for 14 days but I think I might extend that. I still have to construct the payment system and the provisioning system so that you can upgrade your account and setup a dedicated phone number just for yourself.
I hope people like the idea and find it useful. I have a huge list of features I would like to add but I think my prioritization of them will depend on feedback I get from the community.
Oh, and I should add: I entered this application in the weekly contests that Twilio is running. If I win I get a netbook!
Wish me luck!
Please check out, sign up for a trial account and let me know what you think of it! send feedback to @othernum on twitter.